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Example 3 - Best Practices for Complex Manifests

The following example demonstrates the suggested setup when dealing with job manifests that span many YML files. This is discussed in greater detail here - a similar directory structure is used as describe. One addition is made, by including an 'output' directory in the manifest root directory.

  • any number of sub-directories can be included and referenced within the main manifest root directory
  • all relative paths defined within all YML files will be taken relative to the main manifest root directory

The main manifest root in this example can be found in examples/2_job_manifests_bp/complextest/. Here you will find 4 directories.

  1. jobs: contains YML files with job definitions that are referenced in the main manifest using the !include constructor
  2. opts: contains YML files with global job_options, also reference in the main manifest using the !include constructor
  3. scripts: contains scripts of various languages (particularly Python and R for this example)
  4. output: directory used to store stdout and stderr files from SLURM jobs

The main job manifest is also found in this directory and is named complex-manifest.yaml after its purpose: testing various versions of R and Python with a new version of the optimization library KNITRO

Let's take a look at each of these here:


  - complex_test: &job_opts
      cpus_per_task: 2
      tasks: 1
      memory_per_node: '2GB'

The included global job_options are taken from the following:


  - knitrotest: &knitrotest
      cpus_per_task: 2
      tasks: 1
      memory_per_node: '2GB'

And the included jobs are taken from the following:


  - python_test1:
      job_script: "scripts/"
      standard_out: 'output/complex-test/python3.10.7_test.out'
      standard_error: 'output/complex-test/python3.10.7_test.err'
        - python/3.10.7
      job: *job_opts

  - python_test2:
      job_script: "scripts/"
      standard_out: 'output/complex-test/python3.8.14_test.out'
      standard_error: 'output/complex-test/python3.8.14.err'
        - python3/3.8.14
      job: *job_opts


  - r_test1:
      job_script: "scripts/rosenbrock.R"
      standard_out: 'output/r/r421_test.out'
      standard_error: 'output/r/r421_test.err'
        - R/4.2.1
      job: *job_opts

Running the Example from the Cloned Repository

See a Jupyter Notebook code sample for this example here if you're not interested in runnning it yourself

📍 Move into the example directory and load anaconda3/2021.05 (or your favourite version, as long as python >= 3.6)

$ cd examples/2_job_manifests_bp/
$ module load anaconda3/2021.05

📍 Execute the code

// to view job summaries before submitting a job
$ python3

// to submit jobs
$ python3 -s